it is the real thing

Research on AI and identity and UX design



Can AI Solve Your UX Design Problems?

 One of Mark Zuckerberg’s key New Year resolutions for 2016 was to build his own “simple AI bot” that could help him with the household tasks. Remember the image of the butler, Jarvis from Iron Man? That’s a classic Hollywood… Continue Reading →

Applications Of Machine Learning For Designers – smashing magazine

As a designer, you will be facing more demands and opportunities to work with digital systems that embody machine learning. To have your say about how best to use it, you need a good understanding about its applications and related… Continue Reading →

What Machine Learning Will Do For Design – medium

Machine learning is ready to collaborate with designers. Are you willing to let it? This is a prospective use-case of how the Intelligent Design Group at ITP plans to explore and prototype the collaborative power of machine learning design tools with… Continue Reading →

Should designers be worried about AI? – creative bloq

By Creative Bloq Staff September 15, 2015 Web design   With two billion jobs set to disappear by 2030, Jordan Fisher explains what artificial intelligence means for the design industry. From box office hits about invading machines to news of… Continue Reading →

Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Branding? – shutterstock

By Tessa Wegert | March 1, 201 When you hear the words artificial intelligence, what comes to mind? Apple’s Siri? Amazon’s Alexa? How about a chatbot from lingerie retailer Aerie that helps shoppers buy a bra using the brand’s signature… Continue Reading →

Machine Learning is Fun!

Adam GeitgeyFollow Interested in computers and machine learning. Likes to write about it. May 5, 2014 Machine Learning is Fun! The world’s easiest introduction to Machine Learning Update: This article is part of a series. Check out the full series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part… Continue Reading →

Adventures in Narrated Reality

Adventures in Narrated Reality New forms & interfaces for written language, enabled by machine intelligence Char-RNN training statistics By Ross Goodwin In May 2015, Stanford PhD student Andrej Karpathy wrote a blog post entitled The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks and released a code repository… Continue Reading →

Worlds Collide: Is Artificial Intelligence Molding The Future Of Design? – designmantic

Artificial Intelligence is not a nouveau concept but one that took root around 1956, although it has proudly landed some giant leaps in that period: beating the best human at the popular US gameshow Jeopardy, the best human at chess,… Continue Reading →

Branding Artificial Intelligence Not uses AI for brands, but using brands for AI

by Sandeep Das Independent Brand Strategy Consultant Going by the amount of media mentions and appearances in trend reports, it seems that artificial intelligence is the next big thing for brands to embrace. Attempts in crystal ball gazing are leading to… Continue Reading →

M&C Saatchi Creates London’s First Artificial Intelligence Poster

M&C Saatchi has created the world’s first poster campaign created by artificial intelligence. The initiative has been placed on busy Oxford Street, and works by evolving new generations of unique adverts based on how people react to them. Artificially Intelligent… Continue Reading →

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